The BC Liquor Distribution Branch is the public retailer of non-medical cannabis throughout the province, under the brand BC Cannabis Stores.
BC Cannabis Stores is committed to providing customers with high-quality cannabis products and information through responsible channels that provide expert and friendly service.
Where can I buy cannabis online in BC?
The only place to purchase recreational cannabis online in BC is at bccannabisstores.com.
In British Columbia, the legal minimum age to purchase and use cannabis is 19. It is illegal to purchase cannabis for anyone under the age of 19.
You may purchase up to 30 grams of dried cannabis or the equivalent in oils, capsules, or seeds.
The 30 gram possession limit in the Cannabis Act are based on dried cannabis. Equivalents were developed for other cannabis products to identify what their possession limit would be. One (1) gram of dried cannabis is equal to:
5 grams of fresh cannabis
15 grams of edible product
70 grams of liquid product
0.25 grams of concentrates (solid or liquid)
1 cannabis plant seed
According to the federal Cannabis Act, an individual may possess, in a public place, cannabis of one or more classes (dried flower, pre-rolls, oils, capsules, seeds) equivalent to 30 g of dried cannabis. There is a possession limit of 1000 g or equivalent in a private place.
Cannabis may be used in private. It can be smoked or vaped in public in the same places where tobacco can be smoked or vaped, except in places where children commonly gather. Check your local smoking bylaws to be sure.
You must show two pieces of ID, one of which must be issued by a government agency and include your name, birth date, and picture. The second must include an imprint of your name, signature and/or picture.
No. BC Cannabis Stores will not ship cannabis products or cannabis accessories outside of British Columbia.
You may travel within the province of BC with a maximum of 30 grams of dried cannabis or the equivalent in oils, capsules or seeds, however you may not use any cannabis products in any vehicles, whether they are moving or parked. It’s illegal to transport cannabis across the Canadian border. Cannabis laws are different between provinces and territories. This includes legal age, where you can smoke, use, and buy cannabis. Make sure to learn the laws before you travel.
Municipalities in BC control whether or not cannabis stores can open in their jurisdiction. The only legal place to buy cannabis in-store is in a licensed cannabis store or government cannabis store. View our store locator to find a BC Cannabis Store near you or use our online store to have cannabis shipped to your door.
Yes, however it will not carry with it the exemptions from rules around possession, use, etc. that cannabis purchased from a licensed producer under a medical authorization would.
No, unlike BC Liquor Stores, you may not bring anyone under the age of 19 into BC Cannabis Stores.
Age verification takes place at the entrance to all BC Cannabis Stores, so please ensure you bring two pieces of ID to prove that you are 19 or over.
You must be 19 years or older to purchase from this site. It is illegal to purchase cannabis for minors. All products and product content is protected behind an age gate in-stores and online. Two pieces of government-issued ID must be produced when receiving a purchase from BCCannabisStores.com.
What are the penalties for sharing cannabis with young people?
The Cannabis Act created two new criminal offenses, with maximum penalties of 14 years in jail for giving or selling cannabis to youth, or using a youth to commit a cannabis-related offense.